Friday, May 28, 2010


"Don't say you don't have enough time.  You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein." 

So, after having surgery and feeling pretty much amazing now (lol) I am hoping to get back in the game of Life. (not the Milton Bradley kind, because I always spin way low numbers) And thus, I am making goals for myself! It's time to "clean house" in so many ways...let go of lots of things, take hold of new ones with those empty hands! "Time to breathe in and let everything out..." as the song says!!

Goal #1
I will be running in a 5k sometime this fall! Not sure what or where yet, but I have always wanted to run. And run well. Even when I was the severely underweight girl or the averagely healthy girl; I could never run without my lungs revolting. I even used to dream about running...not away from anything, but like a good, happy dream of running! So, once I receive the "clearance" from my doctor, I will begin a 8-9 week program to get in shape so that I can run in a 5k this fall! (there's a few in the area, I just haven't registered yet) I'm trying to decide between two training schedules right now; one is from the Mayo Clinic and the other is Cool Having never done this, I'm not sure which method will be best for me, but if you have any advice, I'd like to hear it! My friend, Sara, ran a half-marathon last year and she's offered to help me out; so I feel good knowing that someone with experience is right here with me!! I've also come to realize that I will have to retrain myself in the physical act of running/jogging. I actually run on my toes, which is said to work your calves but also causes early fatigue while running...So, I need to learn how to land on the ball of my feet and roll; just like I learned to do in good ol' marching band in high school. :)

A second goal I have set for myself is a short(er)-term one. I LOVE to write...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! I especially love to write materials used in youth ministry or for teenagers. This last year I wrote a 30 day devotional for my sister, Stephanie, based on The Chronicles of Narnia book, Prince Caspian, called "This Side of Narnia: Prince Caspian" My goal is to re-edit this material for general use (I made it personal for her tastes, inside jokes, etc) and ready for possible publication. Also, to begin taking notes for creating a new 30 day devotional based on "The Voyage of the Dawntreader" which is the next book in the series and is also being made into a movie that will be released this December. I want to have this accomplished by the end of August. (summer is always a ridiculously busy time for us, so I'm hoping that 3ish months is good!) Again, I post this publicly to hopefully encounter some accountability and encouragement!

I am brilliant at setting goals, making them specific...dreaming up ideas is something I enjoy...however, I KNOW that follow-through is one of my life-threatening (lol) weaknesses! Consistency is follow-through's brother. But anyone can change, right? All things are possible, no? I feel like a new person; physically, emotionally, spiritually...and I love it!!!

1 comment:

karenstacy said...

you go girl! I support your love of writing. Ilove to write all kinds of things. and I LOVE LOVE LOVER to write lessons for kids. one day oneday oneday alot of things will come too be . you at least have a goal. you go girl!